Zequiel Perez

Software developer

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About me

I am currently pursuing a degree in Computing. Before this, I completed a two-year full-time course in software development, where I gained in-depth knowledge in both web and mobile application development. My primary interest lies in mobile development, and I have extensive experience working with Java, XML, and Android Studio.

As part of my journey, I successfully developed and published an Android app on the Google Play Store, showcasing my ability to bring projects to completion (App available on the Play Store).

Recognizing the growing advantages of Kotlin and Jetpack Compose over traditional Java and XML, I decided to deepen my expertise in these modern tools. I am currently developing applications following Google’s official guidelines, ensuring my skills align with industry standards.


App Thumbnail

To-do list (Android App)

A simple and intuitive task management app designed to help users create a to-do list and set reminders for their tasks.

Jetpack Compose
Android Studio
Room Database
Dependency injection with Hilt
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
App Thumbnail

ScanSell (Android App)

A solution designed to help small grocery store owners with product management and sales. The platform enables users to register products easily and utilize barcode scanning for efficient and accurate sales processing.

Android Studio
Room Database
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)